We have an educational program beginning at age three and continuing through the Senior year.
Ages 3-Kinder are in one of two Atria with Catechesis of the Good Shepherd being shared by the principal catechists, Edith Huseman, Angela Fulkerson and Brian Klein all of whom have been trained by qualified trainers. These children meet Jesus and come to love Him as they realize how much He loves them. They are in rooms 9 and 11 in the west wing.
I ask that parents register all students for Christian Formation classes so that we have current phone numbers and contacts.
We have implemented Theology of the Body in grades 8, 10, and 12 this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the catechists or myself.
Ralph will also be using a new video series, T3 Timeline for Teens on studying the Bible in addition to his regular topics. J. C. and Keith will be teaming up with him for Sacraments and History of the Church.
Stay tuned for more information as we continue to lay out the final details for Confirmation. We had one parent meeting for studentsin 7th grade for last year. We had the kids sign the covenant at Mass, agreeing to learning and activities required before the ceremony. Deacon Bob is teaching most of the information to the 7th grade during Christian Formation. However those in 8th and 9th grade will miss out on this and must pick it up from parents, retreats, sponsors and the regular classes. The first retreat was held on Saturday, March 29th from 2 until 9 p.m. including Reconciliation, Mass, and discussions. Those who missed it will need to make this up. Students who miss class should also find some way to make up what they miss. See the catechist as soon as possible. The 2nd Retreat was held on November 14, given by the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who has not attended these will attend one January 3rd before the Bishop comes to confirm. We will also have practice that day for the ceremony.
May the good Lord bless and keep you. May He let His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May He look on you with kindness and grant you His peace. Have a blessed day.